In this one, the player embodies and controls Mihindou (The Machin17rummy.come), a 19-year-old high school student who tries to escape his pursuers through the most dangerous neighborhoods of Libreville.
In this endless pursuit race, the player will also have to avoid several obstacles in front of him. These are vehicle wrecks, public pumps, garbage cans and rubbish dumped on public roads.
Each feat is rewarded with one point. During his race, the player can grab a phone to call a police patrol. He can also pass his race in idle mode, a bonus that allows him to cross obstacles without skipping them. But this bonus has a disadvantage. If ever a criminal arrives before him when he uses idle, he must calculate his jump before any initiative, at the risk of being caught by his pursuers.
The game stops only when the player is caught. So run as long as possible and above all ... do not get caught.